Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sisters Sleep-over

Because Arianne and Clarissa would be moving, we had a sister sleepover in Park City to ease the pain. I don't know if it eased the pain, but it was fun to get away with my lady friends! :) Oddly, I have no picture where everyone is in attendance...don't know how that worked out...
This was the silly picture where everyone pointed at my tummy. Obviously, my favorite shot. :)
 This is right when we are leaving. Aren't these ladies DARLING. All cept Clarissa, poor thing had to meet us there later, she was sorely missed in the meantime...and not any less DARLING.
The Farmers Market was going when we got to Park City, so we had a grand ol' time attending that without children. It was really fun.  
Then we hit the pool right when we got to our hotel. The ridiculousness that took place there is definitely worth mentioning. 
There was this waterfall thing and all the girls would get up on it and try and pose before the waterfall knocked them off balance and they fell. There was a LOT of glee to be had; so much laughing...!!

  I mostly only watched, because I'm pregnant, and I use it as an excuse whenever possible, to get out of anything--even if it's to not get my hair wet...So a lot of the a fore mentioned laughing came from me, cause everyone looked hilarious. I got in these last two pictures to prove I was there, and it got me pretty wet, if you can't tell I'm screaming at Natasha to "Hurry and take the picture--hurry!!" while leaning forward trying unsuccessfully to not get any more wet.:) 
I love the picture where my mom is just standing with her hands in the air, it was her default pose, I don't think she realized that they were supposed to jump in at the same time...;)
We had dinner at this Lizard Cantina place and got such delicious gelato from Smiths of all places. We had an awesome night playing games and enjoying each other. When I woke up I found out that somehow my mom ended up sleeping on a bench...she thinks and looks like she is 18, but sleeping on a bench will definitely help you realize your age. Hopefully that is the last time she tries that.
The girls minus my mom (she was supporting her brother who was giving a speech in Midway) went to lunch at this awesome place, and had a great time.
 We did some shopping and I felt like I was starving half the time during this trip, these ladies are minimalist eaters. And I'm just not... :) Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my BEAUTIFUL sisters!! AND MY MOM!! :)


  1. Aww! That was fun! So what happen with the pic that the waitress took at the lizard restaurant that we were all in?? Did she not really take it? I thought it was with your phone... Maybe it was with Jerica's... Love you!

    1. seriously, who's phone was it....?? Maybe it WAS Jerica's.... funny how that worked out isn't it? Non with all of us in it. :)

  2. I am so glad my daughters document stuff. Thanks for this post--it is fun to remember. I love the last picture with all you beautiful girls! I LOVE you all!!!
