Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gettin Big

Jax's first love is to be walked around by someone holding his hands. His all time favorite. He will settle for being carried around, but ONLY if i play by his rules. He has to be out facing and i have to be moving and doing things so he's not bored. Sometimes i oblige. But he's just SO heavy. Trying to do other stuff while holding a sack of flour (he doesn't hang on at all, it's like he has no limbs) gets really hard. So the other day i got this carrier out again from when he was little, i used it and he enjoyed it, but as you can see, it was a tight fit. And it ripped in the end. and my back felt like it had ripped also. Don't think i'll be doing it again. But they're a good idea for children under 23 lbs. :)

I love this picture, it's like he's think "what the heck are you doing" or "how puzzling". It's so cute.

This is a video of Jax in the walker, he can really get going in this thing.

Ha ha, this is him looking just truly delighted. :) it's so cute, to bad it's blurry, oh well.

Love this little guy!

1 comment:

  1. um that is cute, he loves the walker! I love his smile. Kira does the same with when I hold her.. She wont lean into me or hang on very good, its like she has no limbs thats a perfect description.
