Sunday, February 22, 2015

Family Pictures

Calvin is so big!! He is just my little cuddle bunny. He is STILL just a really huge infant. Way behind my other kids in basically all things, but I LOVE it!! He is just my special little best baby friend, and we love each other. He seriously just lest's me sit and kiss and kiss and smoosh and squeeze and kiss and basically maul him without ever resisting in any way. Its not normal and its basically, THE BEST. He doesn't seem to have any stranger danger yet. And I am still having a very hard time getting him on any kind of schedule. He has always slept GREAT at night and had a really hard time during the day with naps. But now, he is slightly regressing at night and his naps still aren't coming together, so he can get cranky sometimes because of that. But that is probably just my fault for not being able to figure this cute kid out. He is still just such a GOOD baby. Such a doll. Just an absolute gem.  He is my best infant/baby experience of all my kids. I keep finding myself in shock at how much I honestly, truly, enjoy him. He is a special little guy. Very easy going and snugly. He has smiling eyes like his look-alike brother, Jax. In a word, he is very: sweet, BUT he does have a very high pitched squeal/scream. He can be VERY pathetic. I love him so much.
Rod is a stud. He is tall for his age and is very coordinated, but it is not as noticeable as with Jax because Rod is very careful and not quite as confident.
 Also, Rod is very introverted. He LOVES to play by himself with a favorite toy (ie. Dusty Cropphopper.) And will opt to do so, a lot, instead of playing with friends. He doesn't ask me all the time to go and do things, he occupies himself. He can be very satisfied for long periods of time with a favorite thing. He isn't always asking for more and more like Jax has a tendency to do. Rod is a little better at just accepting things. 
Rod is also our talker. He loves to talk to any listening ear. If you are ever bored, just talk to Rod, he will fix it. :)
Rod is also very aggressive (not in a mean way--mostly with sporty boy things) and can get serious and intense about the task at hand. I love his intensity. Rod wants to dominate you and win and be the best. 
 Rod is also very sensitive and seems to have a VERY strong sense of loyalty and what that entails. This can make him hyperventilate and pass out when deeply offended; and fall just short of that when just plain "offended". Jax could never stay as sad, or mad about things like Rod can. Rod can just STAY in that moment inevitably, until you make him feel better, usually with sympathy and loves. Rod has always been a little more lovey than Jax. He cuddles more, it’s very nice. Jax can be very good at cuddling too, but it’s definitely more innate in Rod.
Also, Rodrik LOVES books. So much. It’s new to me because Jax really doesn't as much. 
Rodrik has a great imagination—which is why he can play by himself so well.
Also, fun fact: Rod has chewed beautifully with his mouth closed since he was born. He is quite the dainty little eater (I love watching him eat) and loves "salsamic digger" (balsamic vinegar) with almost everything.
  Rod likes to help me do things but doesn't seem to be as meticulous as Jax, I think his imagination distracts him. I love this little guy.
Jax is also a stud. He is extremely coordinated for his age and is very confident in his own abilities.  He lives IN the moment; instant gratification and such. Everything is about here and now with Jax. He needs something to do or people to be with all the time. He cannot sit still.
 Also, Jax is a teaser. Rod is REALLY easy to tease and can be very dramatic, so that is a fun pairing.
 Jax has a really hard time holding on to money or candy or being really satisfied with any one single thing for a very long time. This can be make him hard to please because, he always wants more.  But, he is VERY good at sharing and a VERY good friend and VERY fun.
 Jax is not very aggressive, or serious, or intense, or even very competitive at all (at least at this age,) just as long as everyone is having fun; he is happy. He is non-confrontational and gets along with, literally, anyone that will play with him. This is a GREAT quality, I've not met anyone this kid doesn't play well with. 
 He also notices very thoughtful things. He will nicely comment on my looks or on how hard someone worked on something. One time he told me I was "perfect", just out of the blue. Things like that melt me, and he does them.
 He is very quick to smile, and smiles with his whole self. 
He also loves technology of any kind. He always is asking to play with iPads, phones, and gaming systems. 
Interestingly he is very good at quality cleaning. If he is going to do something, generally speaking, he is going to do a really thorough, good job. He knows right where things go and makes sure everything is put in its place. He cleans up after Rod constantly. It’s pretty unfair, but it just works out that way because Jax is faster and more reliable, and he wants to be done quickly and wants it done right. So, he ends up doing it most of the time. 
He is my fun loving masterpiece. :)
Despite their obvious differences, or maybe because of them, Jax and Rod get a long pretty well most of the time. They find a LOT of common ground in potty talk, it unites them...but honestly, they really do play well together. I think I might actually label them as best friends. But I don’t know if that’s just from a lack of other 24/7 friends…!;) I hope they stay that way forever.
The boys LOVE Calvin. Jax in particular takes quite a fancy to him and loves to make him laugh. Jax and Rod are VERY interested in Calvin's diapers; the nasty ones in particular. It doesn't matter what they are doing, they will drop everything if they know I'm changing a poopy diaper. Riddle me that. Anyway, I just love these kids. It's such a crazy kind of love. It's almost too much. Especially when they sleep--it's completely consuming.
Justin and I are married...:)
 This is my wonderful family, all together...sob...Anyway, two people are just barely pregnant in this picture, one doesn't even know it yet!! But we know now! Yay for Arianne and Clarissa respectively!! It's very exciting...!
What in the cutest picture ever!! What is it doing on my blog?? Oh, right; just the Judkins grand kids!!...they are kind of a big deal!! ;)


  1. These photos fill my heart! I couldn't ask for more wonderful, adorable, loving, precious grandsons.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmmm. It published my first comment twice and then posted that "deleted by the author" comment that kind of makes it look like I wrote something rude then had second thoughts. So I had to write this explanation. :)
