Thursday, January 21, 2010

the thermals that were only worn once...

Got these thermals at the dollar store--"1T" in size, 1$. Came home and put them on the boy, and lets just say it was a tight squeeze. But i love this picture of Justin and Jax. And i love being able to see Jax's fatty patty!! :)

Haha, look how we couldn't even pull them up over his bum...they were pretty tight.
One of my favorite things is putting Jax in tight clothing. But don't worry, this was only put on him once. :)


  1. probably had to cut it off right? jk. haha

    I know, sometimes Carter has reminded me of your Jax too. pretty funny. both adorable chubby boys :) miss you!

  2. He is such a chubba lub! He looks a lot like Justin!
