This first picture is my favorite picture from the Easter morning festivities. Jax LOVES this big soft dog. He was so excited; that was fun. Poor kid loves dogs, but has been "attacked" (not bitten, but jumped upon and knocked over while mean dogs bark their head off---don't worry, all the while the owner reassures me how nice the dog he is attacking my 15 month old...dry heave, if only Justin had been there to kill the dogs...) at least 2 different times, off the top of my head--and he is only 23 months old. And there has been even more dog "encounters" that have been less severe, but still scary. As a result, he is now more cautious and loves them from a distance. So a stuffed one is right up him and his mom's alley.
I have a really nice camera and can't figure why these are grainy...I think it might be because they where taken in "sport" mode. It's the only way to take pictures of Jax. But here he is with his first egg. 4 jelly beans inside.
It takes him a sec to figure out how to open it...he doesn't even know there is candy inside as of yet.
He knows that these "chocolate balls" are candy though, he was excited about that.
Note to self: This year I bought the CHEAPEST candy ever (I spent $3). I tasted some of his candy that morning--I couldn't even eat it. And I'm 9 months pregnant. Seriously Tawny, next year, please by candy with actual ingredients. And/or candy that is over a dollar. Less is not more.
Chewin' on a jelly beans and wantin' more.
YUM! Dried, hard, colored sugar. Thanks Mom!
In light of what the holiday is all about, my parents always did a church-y theme Easter for me when I was growing up. Our baskets always contained things you could find at Deseret Book or something. OR my amazing mom would make us matching dresses with gloves and hats to match--you know just more reverencey, church things. What a GREAT thing to do. Justin and I are going to try and do that with our kids---does a stuffed dog count as reverent?? It's just quite and soft and nice AND it gives you a good feeling... Anyway, the other thing Jax got was 2 "church books". He is coloring in one shown below. He really likes it.
That book that he is coloring in is really cool. It is all fabric and its called Jesus Loves Me or something similar and was $6 and you let him color on it as much as you want and then you just wash it by hand or in the wash and its all ready to color again.
The sucker was a BIG hit. I found it in our cupboard. It's a
And don't worrry, I threw away 3/4's of his candy when he went upstairs. He ate a TON of it though. It made me feel so bad because I knew how gross it was...and I provided it for him...and he thought it was good...
My big regret of the day is not getting a family picture. That would have been nice to have. In our defense, our camera died.
My dad took some really cute pictures of the Easter egg hunt my parents had at their house later in the day for the 3 grandkids. I hope i get those at some point. :)
Church is always nice on Easter. And it was this year too. Our ward choir did this Easter Cantata thing...that was interesting. But seriously, what better thing to celebrate with a holiday than Christ's last day's on this earth and the miraculous things that took place.
As far as the commercial egg/bunny thing--that's lost on me...but I'm glad there is a holiday none the less.