Monday, April 19, 2010

Tooth Drama

So sad drama of my life, Jax fell down some small steps in the perfect worst way and shuved his little, cute, perfect, front tooth all the way up into his jaw/gums. So far up in fact, that the doctor at the after hours clinic told us that it had been completely knocked out. And she said that there wouldn't be any tooth there until he got his permanent tooth at about 6 yrs old. I was crushed. But alas, the next morning there was this small whiteness in the gummybloodness, and then in the afternoon, a definite tooth! So it had been there all along, hiding! GROSS!! Poor kid. So needless to say we're going to the dentist tomorrow. I'm very interested to see how they (the dentist) are going to examine a crazy hyperactive 11 month old. He's not going to sit in a chair. We'll see what happens. We're crossing our fingers that it's not dead and wont have to be pulled...It looks pretty good to me. :) Anyway, other sad thing is: who thinks to get dental insurance for their 11 month old. Seriously. Gag.

Below are some pictures from the day after the accident. These pictures do not do justice to the hilarious monkey/who-ville(from the Grinch stole Christmas) boy face that he had. His upper lip/mouth was really swollen, he could barely smile. It was pretty cute and pretty hilarious. My dad was crying because he was laughing so hard at his face. :)

Ha Ha, I love this one, he didn't get it... :)

This is a new face that he does pretty often. Pretty cute.

On this one you can kind of tell that his upper lip is swollen.

From the side angle it is a little bit more obvious.

See here you can see his little tooth coming back from the grave.

Anyway, that's an update on our little drama Wed. night, poor kid. We love him. :)


  1. OMG are you and your sister the cutest moms ever? I'm thinking yes. loved the bath time pics. I love my kids in the tub. they are always so cute, and Jax has some amazingly cute faces.

    I bet his tooth will be just fine. My nephew knocked his tooth completely out on xmas-eve a few years ago. so she called a friend who is a dentist, and he told her to just hold the tooth on the gums for as long as she could, and the tooth would reconnect if it had just happened. CRAZY! they tried, but he was a fighter, so they couldn't hold it in at all, and yes he has been toothless for the last 2 years. But I'm thinking, since his tooth is still in the gums, it'll probably stay put, just maybe be crooked or something?!!? good luck.

    let me know how the dentist goes. because I have a 2 yr old girl who I am 100% sure has to have a cavity. and I am dreading a dental visit. - sorry for such a long comment. Ha.

  2. oh my goodness! That is horrible Tawny! I hope to hear good news!

  3. oh so sad...That must of hurt. Hopefully there is good news at the dentist today.

  4. This post makes me cringe. I just read the update that it's going to be fine.. so I'm happy. But still... poor guy!
