This is what the my sweet angel baby looked like after 3 1/2 hours of pushing.
Poor little guy.
There's not a pict of me, my face and head looked better than his, but i can't speak for my nether regions.
The pushing/not eating for 24hrs/not sleeping for 36hrs/pushing had had done a number on me physically, emotionally, physiologically, etc... definitely the absolute hardest thing i have ever done in my life. I have never experienced anything that even comes close. It was the most HORRIBLE, horrible, horrible thing. Ever. And then they hand you the product of all your hard work and say "Now take care of this baby." :)
It was completly insane.
The other one is him looking super cute a few minutes after birth, the little hat they give him really does well at hiding his traumatized head. The doctor had broken 2 vacuums on his head (like pulled so hard they popped off and broke) so he had terrible bruising and abrasions on that part of his head. Not to mention his poor head was like a foot long at that point (from being in the birth canal so long I think...) But it shrunk back down super fast.
We love him.