Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Here are some gems in the form of pictures from my phone.
My supermodel child.
I said, "Smile for Natasha." (She got him the shirt he's wearing in this photo.) He said, "show this a Tasha." It was totally NOT snotty--it was like he was trying to show off for her...:)
Good ol' Home Depot Craft day with Daddy. He is always really proud of the nick-nacks he brings home. :)
Proof of Rod's voluptuous curves...the kid is a tank. A tank with  curves.

They say this happens to babies--it's a first for us. We were in shock. And in love.
And of course, it happened after church on a Sunday. Nothing wipes a kid out like 1 o'clock church...:(


  1. Soooooooooooooo CUTE!!!! I love those boys!!!

  2. i love the naked pic of Rod- that is hilarious!!
