Friday, June 1, 2012


  Now that the weather is really h-o-t the boy's and I like to go on walks.(Actually, I HATE being hot and sweaty--and if you know me, you can't have one without the other; the things we do for our children...;) A "walk" means Jax rides his new Lightning McQueen bike and Rod rides his little awesome push bike (shown below) and I walk--pushing Rod. They LOVE it. So much. Today we went to the river. This is one of Jaxton's favorite places to go. He loves throwing rocks in water; like, probably more than any other activity.
And he is SO beautiful to me.
This is his follow through after throwing a rock.
Rod also like rocks.
see, he's showing you...
But he mostly would rather eat them than do anything else.
Heaven forbid he eat actual food.
 We still call him Frank the Tank, but only because he walks like a sumo wrestler and is as wide as a bus. For the record, he stopped eating after baby-food lost it's about 10 months.  I feel as though I am destined to always be praying my kids will eat. AND eat even remotely healthy. Jax hasn't eaten a vegetable in like 4 or 5 months. And even then it was like 5 green beans. Help my children eat. They obviously are thriving off the little they do ingest. I don't know how they keep up those large figures. 
As my mom says, "It doesn't bode well for their future selves." :)
  (insinuating that their metabolism is very slow and efficient to be able to sustain their bodies at such a  weight, "it doesn't bode well" for when they get older and they actually want to eat food and not be 85th percentile for weight...)


  1. what a fun activity.. i agree about being hot and sweaty but its for the kids right? as mothers we do a lot for our kids, and i know now that one day they will understand and appreciate it..
    love you

  2. hahaha. yeah, feeding Carter has always drivin' me crazy too.
    Boys just have to throw rocks. it's just a built in must do sort of thing, right?
